Day 149: Party Like its 1999

Mile 1998 to 2016

"Look at the bright side, no mosquitos!" (On the top of a ridge in a wind and rain storm) -Spear

Oh glorious home, with your running water, stainless steel appliances that let me eat ice cream around the clock and beautiful soft carpet that is so comfortable to sleep on, how I will miss you.  After three full days off trail, it is time to get hiking.

Animal, who is staying in Bend for the foreseeable future due to tendinitis in his shin, walked downstairs just before we left to say goodbye.  He had a compression sleeve over his calf and some boxers on while running around the room to give everyone hugs before jumping back in bed.  That’s our animal!

Trail angel Sue walked the first couple miles with us and took a group photo at mile 2000.  Mmmmmm, 2k big ones.  We serendipitously met up with Miagi and Aquarius and the whole group hiked northward.  It felt awesome to have the uninjured contingent of Slow Magic back on the trail together.  To Washington we ride!!

The weather turned quite nasty in the afternoon with big storm clouds blowing in from the west and lots of fog and intermittent rain attacks from above.  We picked the finest campsite of them all, on top of a ridge overlooking a beautiful valley, and turned up our noses at this terribly inconvenient Oregon weather.  With our tents huddled close tougher and “protected” by some small shrubs, I shall put my ear plugs in and slept through the excitement, ready to shake and bake tomorrow morning!