Day 143 to 145: The Road

Mile 1919 to 1948, 1948 to 1972, and 1972 to 1998

(To be most honest, I am writing this post two months after the fact.  This one slipped through the cracks, but I have a couple notes from the three day stretch)

The most exciting memory from this day was a conversation between Hawkeye and myself.  We both recalled a book about post-apocalyptic times, we both thought it was called ‘The Road’, but the details were different.  My book was years after nuclear destruction, his was just on the heels.  But we also shared common themes, a dad and his son, a shopping cart.  Of course we were both talking about the same book by Cormac McCarthy, but it took us a solid half hour to sort that out.

We have been leap frogging with the same people for the past couple days.  Energizer Bunny, Bucha (think Kombucha) and Sprinkler are three girls who came out here by themselves and have joined up over the past couple days of Oregon.  Most of our interactions are quick as we pass each other by on the trail, but we were able to spend a little time together around a camp fire in the lava fields of the Three Sisters. The sunset that evening was spectacular and we all ventured a bit down trail to get a better view.