Day 140: Mt. Thielsen

Mile 1840 to 1867

Heyooo! We’re back! The energy drain we’ve felt for the past couple days has gone away and we are ready to rock!   We had the first cold night in a long long time and we simply weren't prepared for it.  It was warm when we went to bed, but somewhere in the night I had to scrounge around to find my buff and cover my face against the cold.   

The morning chill invigorated us, however, and we churned out the miles.   At lunch we met a section hiker, Hobbes, who was from Portland.  He recommended Voodoo doughnuts when we go, easy enough!   We also met Happy Trails, an older gentleman that, “can’t wait to be done.”  While I am excited that the finish is getting near, I wouldn’t say that I can’t wait to be done!

One unexpected part of Oregon, is that there hasn’t been much water!  It’s green and lush, but we’ve had quite a few longer waterless stretches since Crater Lake.  While filling up all our water capacity, I met Six Strings, another young fellow from Switzerland who deals with art restoration.  He was a quiet guy, but I appreciated his spirit.  He wanted to explore the US and figured, “what better way than to hike it!?”

Animal sadly has fallen behind and his lower shin is hurting just as badly as when he got off trail in Ashland.  We’ve had limited communication and have urged him to get to the nearest road to find a ride back to Crater Lake instead of pushing on.

Hawkeye and I have concocted a master plan once we hit Sisters/Bend.  Hawkeye needs to visit Portland to grab a bunch of new gear he ordered from Jetpack’s friend/trail angel, Sue.  So, we’re planning on renting a car and having a little freedom for a day or two while resting our feet.  Can’t wait!