Day 27: Our first 20 miler!


Mantra: 20 miles

Morale: cruisin'

Climate: perfect 50 degree weather

Miles: 262 to 282

"I'll tell you what: I've never been shown such kindness and compassion, and I got hooked." -one hiker discussing his relationship with his partner


We're back at it!  We completed our first 20-mile day.  Awake early, we headed out and did not stop until mile 7, where we replenished our water and headed on.  As we crossed the road, Aquaman and Toots serendipitously arrived in a pick-up truck.  We had met them outside of Idyllwild, and there they were!  They are much faster hikers, but they had elected to hike 20 miles up and back to the second fire closure, which we skipped.  We kept up with them for a while, and we felt invigorated by their optimism.  

The weather was perfect, and we later stopped to cook some lunch at the next water source.  The group pushed on 6 more miles, where we finally stopped - 20 milles!!

[This is how we feel in the morning, still the morning, just some cool house with a wind generator, Aquaman and Toots!, selfie on a rock slide, group trekkin]

Everyone plopped their gear down straight away, but BOOM investigated the area and found a "much better" campsite with a view.  Spearhead's response: "...what?"  But we all repacked and scrambled up the hill and agreed that the view was much better.  There we discussed the plan for the week.

Animal Style: We'll be in Wrightwood by Friday.
Day Hike: ....Do you really think we will make it by Friday?
Animal Style: ....I don't know... depends on tomorrow... and the day after.

We then compared obesity in our hometowns.

Jetpack: You should come to Minnesota!
Day Hike:  You should see San Antonio!  I'm telling you: enchiladas kill.

And there you have it folks.  Another truth bomb from our elder, Day Hike.

[Breaking for lunch, some random peak, Animal style empties the entire contents of his bag (including all his food) at literally every stop, our campsite with a "much better" view, looking at Big Bear City across the lake, Dayhike doing cheesy things]