Day 153: Timberline Lodge

Mile 2094 to 2119

A 6AM wake up call sounded smart over brownies the evening before, but didn’t make a whole lot of sense the morning of.  The crew was separated between upstairs and downstairs, and it seems as though one camp (the downstairs) was motivated to wake up and get moving, while the upstairs (that would be myself and Jetpack) decided to get a few more winks:).

Sue had made an amazing stack of waffles and a big pot of coffee ready… she knows what's up.  We crammed back in the car (sans puppy) and got shuttled up the windy road and back to Timberline Lodge.  The view from halfway up Mt. Hood was spectacular.  The cloud cover was well below us and blanketed the world below as far as the eye could see.  Mt. Jefferson, where we had been almost a week before, was clearly visible rising out of the smooth, pearly white clouds.  I tried to capture it on the phone, but it’s one of those images that will never leave my head.

Labor Day weekend had the day hikers out in force.  During one of my “Hi there, how’s everybody doing?” Greetings, one dude exclaimed, “ugh, my feet hurt!”.  No.  Nope.  Absolutely not. I didn’t know what to do other than smile and say, “for sure” (that’s right Animal, for sure, not fosho).