Day 160: Mt. Adams

Mile 2226 to 2239

Leftover apple crisp, bananas and ice cream for breakfast?  What!!  Despite a few licks from Max in the early morning we slept in a tad and enjoyed some lovely food before packing up our bags and heading to town. 

Town consists of a small convenience store in one building and a diner/auto body shop in the other.  That's it! We selected a table in the sun to take the chill off the morning air and futzed on our phones with the diner wifi.  

Spearhead and Hicker surprised us and arrived into town just in time to share a meal.  It was lovely to share a few bites with them before aiming back toward trail.

Before we got out off the parking lot my parents became full fledged trail angels and we picked up Danger Dave (an OU grad who after seven years in Seattle bought a house in Columbus).  We thought the van was quite stuffed at that point, but Princess Anne was in need and my mom slid over and shared the front seat of the van for the 13 mile ride up to the trail head.

[Danger Dave!; Fall colors rolling in; The Adams; The wilderness; Adam with Adams; some clouds; murky water from volcanic silt!]

We hiked up to and around the base of Mt. Adams.  The scenery is stunning, with views of glaciers and tall peaks in one direction and hundreds of miles of wilderness in the other.  We stopped a bit early to cook and make camp.  After we had been sitting around a bit kibitzing with Mayor and Danger Dave I noticed that the clouds had cleared and we were camping right on the side of Mt. Adams.  The mountain top was lit up in red sunlight and a huge glacier field was visible right above us.  The temperature dropped quickly and we are expecting quite a cold night.  We fell asleep listening to the cracks and shifts of the glacier off in the distance.  Noisy little buggers they are!