Day 47: Wind Mills

Mile 518 to 535

"I make a lot of life decisions based on movie trailers." - Bivvy

Today was like therapy: 17 miles of FLAT hiking through the desert along the aqueduct.  Some would find this monotonous, but I LOVED having a day to zone out and binge-listen to This American Life with no worries of snakes.  Usually, headphones are not encouraged because how you gonna hear that rattle?  Let's be honest, my chances of winning in a snake situation are low regardless.  Finally, the walking was what I had imagined all along: hot, straight, flat... desert.

The last few miles meandered through a wind farm, and we set up camp with about 15 others beneath the windmills, lulled by their whir all night long.  After our dinner circle, one Englishwoman got up and stretched into a few sun salutations, which Animal Style narrated... "Ah, the screaming monkey!  The stretching dolphin!"  This sent us into fits of giggles, and we headed to bed.

[ 3 Feys in a row, weird windy smiles, concrete slab rest stop, joining up on the aquaduct, resting on some road, campsite for the evening]