Day 136-137: Mazama Village

“Ah! Cheeky bugger!" - Hawkeye yelling at a mosquito that had settled on his leg.

8/19/16 mile 1771 to 1797 and 8/20/16 mile 1797 to 1819.

Fallen trees everywhere!  The PCT is immaculate when considering the 2,650 miles that need to be cared for, yet, this section got the short end of the stick.  We couldn't walk more than 100 yards without climbing over or walking around fallen trees.  A storm must have come through relatively recently and absolutely leveled a huge percentage of trees.  All day we climbed, jumped, and balanced on downed trees.  

Hawkeye and I are both a little low on energy and walking feels more like a chore now than ever.  I have reflected on how, “this is part of the experience” and that every day shouldn’t be the best day ever on trail.  I do believe in this and embrace it, but it doesn’t make the hiking any easier.

The following day we woke up crazy early for no real reason, other than the excitement of getting in to Mazama village.  What is in Mazama Village that we are so excited about?  Yeah, nothing.  We just want to get there I guess.

I took a Benadryl for the now incessantly itchy bee stings and forgot they can make you drowsy.  Holy smokes was I a sleepy puppy.  

We stopped early for lunch and after some oatmeal I conked out on the ground for a power nap.  Hawkeye called my name after a half hour and said I didn’t even stir.  He gave me another 15 minutes assuming I must have needed it.  You sir, are correct!

I felt better after the nap, but must have transferred my laziness to Hawkeye who struggled the rest of the afternoon.  

Mazama finally came, and who was the first person I saw?  My best friend Hodgepodge!   I had been carrying her puffy jacket and rain jacket from Ashland where she forgot them hanging in a hotel room.  Luckily they were reunited and no chilly nights or rainy days fell upon us!

She ended up going to the emergency room that night due to pink/tingly toes.  I guess this is her second time on trail getting a blood infection on her feet due to the dirt!  Her husband is forcing her to take a few days off while the antibiotics kick in, much to her dismay. :)

That evening I spent sorting out food from the resupply box and talking to a Lithuanian couple that were taking a couple weeks to drive up the coast.  They have lived in Tokyo the past couple of years and are moving to Atlanta, however, they are hoping to make that a short stop and potentially move to Portland or Seattle soon.  It was the perfect evening with interesting company and a nice can of beer (crater lake national park IPA!!).